“You as the owner of your life you shape it as you go, always choses the right”
Hugo Mejia
This quote means that you can decide what you do in your life. Your shape the way you live by living. Always choses the right so you won't do wrong. When you choses the right you are shaping your life in a good way. You always want to be a right person living the right way and doing the right thing. We are our own architect and we shape it as you go. It is very important to shape our life in the right way. If we don’t we will live in chaos. Most of don't want to live in chaos so choose the right. All of us want peace and harmony Choose the right You're Dismissed .
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Ear nose throat doctor
Duties and Responsibilities: A ENT doctor can perform surgeries with in those 3 body parts. A ENT can also relate to problems in the neck or head. ENT is one of the oldest jobs in america. They treat problems in the ear like dis balancing, hearing disorders, ear infections, and cranial nerve disorders. They can also treat disorders of the nasal cavity, para nasal sinuses, allergies, sense of smell, and nasal respiration.
Salary: ENT doctors make around $344,086 a year
Salary: ENT doctors make around $344,086 a year
Education: You need to take 4-year undergraduate program, 4 year medical program, at least 5 years of specialty training and a 1 to 2 year residency program.
Demand for this profession. I couldn't find anything if there is a need for this profession
Reflection: I wouldnt like to be a ENT because it takes way too long just to start working.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
"Obedience is central to becoming, being and remaining happy."
By David Bednar
This quote means that you always need to obey.When you obey you become happy. you also can become a better person overall. When you are obedient you make the right decisions that help you in your life. Other people realize that you are obedient and are thought full for others and they will appreciate that.when you are not obedient you do the wrong thing and people dont like that.
Friday, September 23, 2016
"Choosing the right is always the right thing to do"
Choosing the right is always the right thing because if you chose the wrong. You do the wrong things. Alex was a former student but now he is choosing the right for the rest for his life. He choose the right in many situations at school. You go down the right path instead of the wrong path by living by this quote. when you choose the right you feel great and when you do bad you don't feel great. When you do a bad decisions you have a feeling telling you not to do it. when you do the right thing you have a feeling telling you to do it. when you get your education you have a better chance of choosing the right .
Duties and responsibilities: Dermatologist are some physicians that specialize in the skin. They can also treat disorders in the hair and in the nails. Dermatologist can work in hospitals and in private clinics. Dermatologist can treat skin cancer and other different types of diseases.
Salary: they get a pay of $300,000 a year
Education: To be an Dermatologist you need to get a bachelor's degree then you need to go to med school
Demand for this job: there will be a demand for this job in the upcoming years
Reflection : I like this job. They get paid pretty good and it seems fun.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
"what you are as a person is far more important than what your are as a basket ball player'
John Wooden
This Quote means that the way you act is more important then what you do for fun. This is important because it teaches us to be us. Not focus on the things other then your self. you can be really good at something but not a good person. It doesn't fit together. You can be really bad and have a great personality its fits. If you are really good at both thing then you are a great. a great person and a great player
Duties and responsibilities : Pediatricians are doctors that work with newborns and teens. Some responsible they have are examining, diagnosing, and treating children with a illnesses. They also track how many vaccinations that your child needs to be secure from any illness. Pediatricians also do regular check ups for their patients. They can also provide tips for your child's care like eating habits, promoting regular exercise, and improving their own hygiene.
Salary: A pediatrician makes around 175,000 USD
Education: Pediatricians are required to earn a doctoral degree and 4 years of med school
Demand for this particular job: There is not really a demand for this job. There will be an increase in jobs by 2024
Reflection: I would like to become a pediatrician because i like to work with younger kids and it's fun i also get to help out the kids if they are in need. The thing i don't like is that you have to go to school for a long time, just for medical school it takes four years that's a lot.
Monday, September 19, 2016
"True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse"
This signifies that you can be wealthy with money. You can not be wealth of the heart. To be wealthy of the heart you have to choose the right. Not the wrong. You have to be caring, loving and etc. You can scam other people and rob there money so that you can be rich but you will not be wealthy of the heart. you are choosing the wrong if you don't make the right decisions. You can be rich of the heart by being respectful and thoughtful. Some people that are wealthy of the purse are selfish. They don't care for anyone only them self's. People that are rich from the heart care for others , and they sacrifices them selfs for any thing.
"When I do good, i feel good. when i do bad, i feel bad."
-Abraham Lincoln
If you choose to do good you'll feel proud of what you did good. When you do bad you'll feel bad of yourself. If you were to pass a test with a perfect score you are so happy. You would feel so proud of yourself. But if you were to fail that test you would feel so disappointed and you would instantly start thinking about what you would do in order to pass the next one. I feel bad when i am so rude to my mother, she does so much for me and then there i am giving her an attitude. My action is bad, so i feel bad. When i apologize i feel good. am so rude to my mother, she does so much for me and then there i am gWhen i choose the wrong, i try ti fix it with something that is good, and when i do fix it i feel good. I feel good because i did good. hinking about what you would do in order to pass the next one. I feel bad when i iving her an attitude. My action is bad, so i feel bad. When i apologize i feel good. When i choose the wrong, i try ti fix it with something that is good, and when i do fix it i feel good. I feel good because i did good.
Dental Assistant
Duties and responsibilities : A dental assistant is someone that helps out the original doctor. He can also provide extra need for the dentist during a surgery. They help with the x-rays, taking blood pressure and with the patient's pulse. The Dental assistant sterilizes equipment. They can also take impressions of patients' teeth.
Salary: A dental assistant salary is around 34,500
Education: The education need to become a dental assistant is a Postsecondary non-degree award
Demand or need for this profession: There will be a great increase of jobs openings by the year 2024 so that means that there will be a need for this profession
Reflection: I don't really want to become a dentist assistant because they have to work with the peoples mouths and some people don't even brush their teeth and they stink.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
"You cannot do wrong and feel right Its impossible."
Ezra T. Benson

This quote means that when you do something bad you dont feel good. You shouldn't do bad things and then feel good. it is impossible to feel good after doing some thing bad. If you get a 100 percent for a test be you cheated you don`t feel good. You dont feel good because you did something bad to accomplish something good. you tell you mom that you are going to a friends house to play games but you get drunk and don't tell your mom and she finds out. you didn't feelgood. You felt bad because you had done something very bad.You can always do stuff wrong but you wont feel good after. you have to be a CTR person.you have to chose the right .
Duties and Responsibilities:Dentists are responsible for treating problems with the teeth and in the mouth. Dentists also tells you to floss your teeth and to brush your teeth.Dentist can also fill in you cavituiys and pule out tooths that are not need anymore in your mouth. They ficked messed up teeth and strighted them out. They acn also preform surgery to ficked your gums and stuff like that.
Salary: A Dentist salary is around 149,310 USD
Education: to become a dentist you need to have at least a Doctoral or professional degree
Demand for this Profession: There is not much of a need for this profession because there will be an increase by 8% by the year 2024
Reflection: i wouldn't want to be a dentist because you have to smell nasty breath by people that don't brush their teeth.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Duties and Responsibilities: Chiropractors are doctors that specialize in bones and treatments like massages. They can help your tendons, ligaments, and also your muscles.Chiropractors also tell their patients if they have any problem and they can also diagnosed them. Chiropractors can work alongside a doctor to see if his/her patients has any problem.. Additionally, chiropractors may have office administration duties. This job can be very involved it is also time consuming in individual practices.
Salary:The average salary for a chiropractor is about 66,160 USD
Education:To become a chiropractor you need to have a Doctoral or professional degree to be able to get the job
Demand for this profession. There is no demand for this profession because it is not really needed.
Reflection: I would like to be and chiropractor because it is a non-stressful job and you can have your own place or clinic and you can just chill and crack people's backs
Thursday, September 1, 2016
"Education is the latch key to success in life"
Gordon B. Hinckley

This quote can signifies that you need education to get somewhere in life. If you don't go to school to get your education you won't be successful in life. So that's why in your life you need to go to school and get you education to unlock a successful life. Life isn't to endure you need to enjoy it. This quote signifies to me that i need to get my education. When i get my education i will be able to have a successful life. I will have a better life for me and my parents and sister. the knowledge that you earn can help you in the long run.with a better life and future. you can encourage your sibling to enjoy the knowledge they earn to be successful.
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